Cape Cod Prosthodontics
Welcome to Our Practice
“I am dedicated to providing excellence in dental care in a relaxed and comfortable environment.”
— Dr. Erik Cragg, D.D.S.
Smile Wider!
The Miracle of New Teeth!
Diem 2 technology allows patients to return home the same day as surgery with a fixed temporary prosthesis supported by four or more implants, that looks natural and functions immediately.
Advantages of DIEM® 2
- eliminates dentures for patients with hopeless dentition
- eliminates loose fitting or painful dentures
- eliminates the time associated with traditional extended treatment procedures involving tooth extraction, transitional tissue supported dentures, implant placement and period of osseointegration before the final prosthesis can be placed.

Read about: DIEM® 2, the BIOMET 3i answer to same-day full arch implant supported fixed prostheses